
Friday 28 July 2017



For the past week we have been doing technology challenges. Our challenges involved communicating working together and having fun. Our first task was to use string and paper cups. We had to stack the paper cups without using our hands.

Our second task was to use dry spaghetti and marshmallows and try to make the tallest tower that had to be standing by it's self.

Our third and final challenge was to make this type of newspaper stretcher with only newspaper and string and 3 arm lengths of tape. Then once we were done we had a plastic bag with books in it that had to have a cup of water on top. We had to keep the water and the books safe. Sadly our paper stretcher broke because of the heaviness but we still got to race. We came second with 9 seconds.

For all of you reading this I want you to challenge your self to try these different teamwork challenges. They are really fun and they bring your friends together. Make sure you stay in for more awesome adventures.