
Wednesday 31 July 2019

Reading create!

Hi everyone! This week for my reading create, we got to choose from 2 books that are on a website called epic. I read a book called Hubots, after we read the book we made a chart and put some words that we didn't know.
Then using the words we had we could make either a video, animation or a google drawing.
here is the google drawing I made:

Did you know any of these words?

Friday 26 July 2019

Fitness circuit

Hi! This week we did a fitness circuit. A fitness circuit is a list of things to do for fitness. 
Here is the one my group made 
Have you ever done a fitness circuit? 

Wednesday 24 July 2019

PBL Term 3

Hi! This term our driving question is "What will the future ask of us?".
Then we started to discuss jobs in the future that robots might take over. We also talked about the 5 biggest problems in the world right now and discussed how big of a problem they are. The teachers also went on a website that you have to enter in a job and it will show you the percentage and possibility of a robot taking over those jobs in the future. I think this is a good topic for this term and something that we should talk about.

Friday 5 July 2019

PBL reflection

Hi! On Wednesday we had our PBL live for a day. We had 2 shows each one while school hours and the second one either right after school or in the early evening. Our second performance was in the early evening so we had to go back to school at night. Our first performance I remember being nervous but not as much as I could have.
Overall I think that our poetry slam was good and had good enough information about racism. I think we delivered our poetry slam good. 
↓If you want to watch ours here's the link↓
PBl video
If you have any feedback please put it in the comments.

Diana Isaac visit!

Hi! This term we got a chance to go to Diana Isaac. There were fun things we could do like art, bingo and board games, baking and balloon sports. I choose art, When we got there we got to use oil pastels to make art. We got to look at some oil pastel art to get ideas on what to make. We got to talk to the people there and they had a lot of fun stories to share. Then we had to go back to school so we said goodbye and walked back. 

Thank you for reading my blog.
Have you ever been to Diana Isaac? 

Self portrait

Hi! last week we got to do a self portrait. We got to watch a video on how to make ourselves using google drawing. I didn't get mine done in time but I got the main shape of my face done. We used the tools in google drawings to gt the shape of out face, hair, eyes, mouth etc.

I don't really like mine but some of my friends did really good ones.
Have you ever done a self portrait?

Winter sport

Hi! Today I will be talking about winter sport. Every year we go down to Hagley park and play sport. There are 4 choices on sport,

  • Rugby
  • Netball
  • Football
  • Hockey
I play netball because it's one of the only sports that I know all the rules in. This term we started playing and I got into a team named the scorpions.
I think we did this term hopefully next term we get more wins.

Is your school doing sport? If yes what sport are you playing?

Connection between texts.

Hi! This was my reading workshops create task. We had to read 2 stories and discuss the similarities and the differences between the stories.

Thank you for reading my blog!

Thursday 4 July 2019

Teacher Strike

5 weeks ago the teachers around Christchurch went on strike. Well this blog is late so I don't remember much. Since there was no school I just watched movies all day and chatted with some of my friends. 

Sorry this blog was really short but I didn't really do much because there was no school.
What did you do during the strike?

Maths Video

Hi! This is the maths video we had to do for our problem solving as part of our bingo card.

I hope you learned something today and that I've helped you understand why problem solving is important.

Do you think problem solving is important? Why or why not?

Bingo card!

Hi! Welcome back to my blog today I will be showing you a bingo card we did.
I did the one on the bottom left corner. When we first clicked on the link it took us to google earth. Then we had to pick a country and a place. We had to find Carmen Sandiego. We got the choice to ask tourists about her and look for clues on how to find her.

Have you tried this game? If you have how did you do?

KWL chart

Hi! I made a KWL chart for my workshop 4 weeks ago and I wanted to put is up on my blog.

Well that's all I have for my chart. 
Have you ever done a KWL chart?

Tuesday 2 July 2019

PBL live for a day invitation

Hi! Tomorrow we have our PBL live for a day and I wanted to put an invitation here on my blog.

Hope you can come watch!