
Tuesday 20 August 2019

Making predictions in text!

Hi everyone! Last week for my reading workshop we had to make predictions about a novels we started reading. My novel was Dead Harry, it's a bout a boy who's best friend dies but he doesn't think he died on accident so he tries to solve the mystery of his death. We were supposed to read up to chapter 7 but my reading teacher allowed us to keep reading. Anyways here are some of my predictions.

Have you read this book?

Making connections in text!

Hi! For my reading workshop we had to read a text about the Kauri Dieback. We had to make connections with the text and our personal life here are mine.

Have you ever thought about the connections from books to your personal life?

Thursday 15 August 2019


The past few weeks we've done some science experiments. We did one experiment a week. There were four experiments in total. One involved ice and seeing if the water rises once they melt, the other one was checking your resting heart rate and checking your heart rate after doing things like running or star jumps. The other experiment was all about the water cycle and how it worked. The last one was all about making bridges and making them carry the weight of the things on them.

The one I really liked was the Water cycle. The experiment we did was about how the water cycle worked and all the steps. First we got a clear sandwich bag and drew the water, the sun and the clouds. Then we wrote the  all the steps and arrows of the water cycle on our sandwich bag. After that we added water till the water line that we drew on our bag. Then we hang the bags on the window and we got to see the water start evaporating and then the water droplets dripped down the sides and the final stage of the water cycle happened precipitation. 

Thanks for reading my blog I hope you enjoyed reading about the water cycle!