
Thursday 19 March 2020

The Deadly Pandemic of 1918

Hi everyone! For this blog I'm going to sharing my reading DLO (Digital learning Object). My reading goal for this week was "Make connections between texts and own life experiences, using more sophisticated texts". Our create task for this week was to read one of the stories that were provided and make a list of connections between the text and our life and then use that list to make poster and other things along those lines. I choose to read the story about the deadly flu pandemic of 1918, I choose this story because right when I read the title it already reminded me of the current corona virus going around.
So here are my connections!
Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever read this story?

Report/ Biography Sentence Starters!

Hi everyone! My goal for this writing workshop was "Maintain audience interest through content and specific language choices". For our DLO we had to make a poster with sentence starters for a report/ biography. We had to work on that because this term we're writing a report on an admirable and worthy New Zealander as part of our PBL. We also had to do sentence starters for the part of a biography that talks about the person's early life/ childhood. 
Here is my poster :
Thank you for reading my blog!
What are other sentence starters that you can think of?

Thursday 5 March 2020

PBL Collaboration

Hi everyone! For the past few weeks we were working on our PBL game for our school fair. Our school is fundraising for a bike track in our back field. My group's game is called Chuck a Duck, the premise of the game is to get the most points by chucking a rubber duck at a piece of wood with holes. Each hole has a different score on it, each person gets 3 tries at the game. We weren't allowed to give away any prizes so we decided the person with the most scores gets bragging rights. We have also been talking about the six C's. The six C's are Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Citizenship, Critical Thinking and Character. This week we've been focusing on Collaboration. The main focus of my blog this week is, Do you think you collaborated well the past few weeks? I think I did okay on collaborating because I wasn't bad but we still had a few disagreements. We worked pretty well on coming up with ideas and listening to each other, also making sure no ideas get left out. We brainstormed about what a good collaborator looks like and these are some of them,

  • Making sure to listen to each other.
  • Making sure to actually help with the group.
  • Using each others strengths and skills when doing our project.
  • Being nice to the people you're working with.

Thank you for reading my blog!
What are other things you think a good collaborator does?

PBL Creativity

Hi everyone! This past week we've been working on the 6 C's, yesterday the main focus was collaboration. For today our focus is creativity. One of the tasks was writing 100 things you can use a paper clip for. I'm going to list just a few of the ideas we had on our original list,

5 things you can use a paper clip for

  1. Clipping paper together.
  2. Lock pick
  3. A zipper
  4. Necklace
  5. Accessories

That's all I have for today thank you for reading my blog!
What are other things you can use a paper clip for?