
Thursday 23 May 2019

Cross country

Hi! 2 weeks ago we had our Cross country. We had to run 3 laps which was a 3k run. It was very painful but I still finished the race. Once I finished it felt like someone cut of my knee caps. After our races, we then went and became markers for the other hubs race. My feet hurt so bad that I couldn't jog or run anymore. We went and marked under some trees so we wouldn't burn in the sun, the only problem was that it was autumn that meant there was a lot of leaves. Cleo and I were just sitting down and talking when out of the corner of my eye I saw a wasp. While Cleo panicked while I tried make it fly away, In the end we just decided to move. 

Well that's all I have for cross country.

Did you do cross country? 

Book predictions

Hi everyone! This week for our reading create session we made a prediction chart. It was about a story we read called Mata i Pusi by Sisilia Eteuati. Our workshop was all about trying to find clues so we can make predictions about the book. The prediction chart I made will be below.

And that's it! 
Have you made a prediction chart? And if you have were your prediction right?

Thursday 16 May 2019

Term 2 goals

Hi! Today I will share my term 2  goals and why I choose them.

  • Make more use of my time

Why? I feel like I have a lot of free time that I can use but didn't really use last term so this term I'm gonna try and make more use of my time.

  • Finish my work early

Why? Last term I waited last minute to finish and hand in my work sometime I went over the due date and this term I want to change that.

  • Listen and focus more
Why? Well sometimes I completely zone out and block out whatever  the instruction were so I'd get confused.

And that's all for this term. 
What are your goals this term?

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Speech introduction

Hi! This term we're writing our speeches. My speech is about Racial discrimination and stereotypes. This is my introduction,
Racial discrimination. David Taylor said in his poem, Racism? There is just one human race, no matter what form of the face.

Imagine doing everyday things like watering plants or walking in a park but then someone or your neighbours call the cops on you just because of your skin colour and where you’re from. Well that’s the case for a lot of people of colour all over the world.

Well that's what I got so far.
Are you doing a speech? If you are what is it about?

Monday 13 May 2019

How can we stand up to discrimination?

 Hi! Our PBL driving question this term is "How can we stand up to discrimination?".
I'll be answering some of our sub questions,

What is discrimination?
Discrimination is insulting other people by how they look or their gender. There are different types of discrimination but these are the most common types of discrimination racism, sexism, ableism and religious discrimination. 

What does it mean to speak up?
I think speaking up means that you don't just watch something happen but you so something or speak up for a person.

What does an up stander do?
A up stander is the opposite of a bystander. An up-stander stands up and does something about a situation instead of just watching the scene unfold.

What are stereotypes or bias?
Stereotypes are what people assume you do or look like based on your gender, race, abilities and religion.

What are the different types of discrimination?
These are the most common types of discrimination. Sexism (discriminating people by their gender), racism (discriminating people by their race and where they come from), ableism (discriminating people by what they can't do and their disabilities) and religious discrimination (discrimination people by their religion and their beliefs).

How do you think we can stand up to discrimination?