
Tuesday 19 November 2019

Week 5 Reading!

Hi everyone! Today I'll share of my create tasks from last week, our reading create task was all about reading and figuring out what the author's stance was about the article. The article was called Under the sea, it was all about sharing all the current research  methods for looking under the sea. The methods that were mentioned were the hook and line survey, underwater camera, diver transect survey and the acoustic survey. All we had to do was figure out what the author'd preference was between the methods, we also had to figure out the challenges that the people doing these methods might face and also some of the positives of the methods. 
Here is my table: My table

I hope you learnt something today!
Have you ever been snorkelling? 

How to make homemade Churros!

Hi everyone! 2 weeks ago we had to make a recipe from a country that we got to pull out of a hat. I pulled out Spain, a few dishes came to my mind but I decided to make my recipe about churros! I choose churros because they were something I was familiar with and pretty easy to make. 
well I hope you enjoy  my recipe, C h u r r o R e c i p e !

I hope you can try out my recipe!
Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever tasted Churros?

Thursday 7 November 2019

Reading Interactive image

Hi everyone! Two weeks ago I had to make an  interactive image based on an article we read. I choose the article Skiing in Afghanistan, it's about a man who went to Afghanistan for a ski tournament. But we also had to add a link to a article talking about a country we picked out of a hat. 
Here is my interactive image!

Monday 4 November 2019

How to play Chapas (The bottle cap game)

Hi everyone! This week we were told to write instructions the proper way. We learnt how to make the best instructions possible. I decided to do my example about the game from Spain, Chapas. This game has simple rules and a simple game play. 
Here are some notes to keep in mind when writing instructions: Instruction notes
so here is my instructions writing: H o w t o p l a y c h a p a s!

I hope this helped you! Thank you for reading my blog!

Have you ever played chapas?

PBL Term 4

Hi everyone! This term our PBL question is How do I celebrate who I am? We're gonna get in the topics of culture, traditions and hobbies. If you didn't know I'm from the Philippines, I feel like this term's PBL will let me get in my roots and talk about my heritage. 

Sorry this blog is super short but that's all the information I know right now but thank you for reading my blog!

Where are you from?

Camp reflection

Hi guys! Last week my hub went to camp for four days. We went to the Y.M.C.A camp at Wainui  park. We had activities like Coaststeering, archery, high ropes, kayaking, raft building and etc.
Image result for ymca camp wainui

My reflection will have four main points the challenging parts, favourite part/activities, things I've learnt and things i'm grateful for.

For this year's camp I think the most challenging part for me is doing things I haven't tried yet, things like Coaststeering, but I also found the walk to camp challenging because I'm not a person who goes on hikes and things like that. 

My favourite activity has to be archery because it's something I've wanted to try for a long time and getting the chance to get taught the basic things like how to hold and shoot was really fun. But my favourite part in general is getting to learn new things/skills that will help me in the future or when I will need these basic survival tactics.

I've learnt a lot of things at camp but I think the most important parts were learning basic survival things because I know that these skills will be helpful in the future. Maybe these sets of skills will help me get a job or help people in general. 

There are a lot of things I'm grateful for, but I'm mostly grateful for the opportunity I got to even go to camp and experience all those activities because I know that not all people get to do those things in their lifetime. I'm also grateful for our teachers who made it happen and making things organised so that we don't get confused, and finally I'm grateful for my parents for letting me go on the trip and getting all of the things I needed to go.

Well that's all I have for my reflection today Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever been at camp?