
Thursday 25 June 2020

Maths T2 W11

Hi everyone! This week for maths we did shapes. We learnt about identifying if shapes are polyhedra and non polyhedra and if they were platonic solid or non platonic solid. For our DLO (Digital Learning Object) We had to make a copy of this empty chart and sort the shapes out.

This is my chart: google drawing

Thank you for reading my blog!

Reading T2 W11

Hi everyone! This week my goal for reading was "Independently predict, interpret and analyse text, 'reading between the lines' to gain deeper meaning". We learnt about inferring the text that we're reading basically just learning to make assumptions based on the information we already had.
Our DLO (Digital Learning Object) for this week was making assumptions/inferring the text that we choose to read. I read the short story How to fall by Whiti Hereaka.

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever inferred while reading? 


Thursday 18 June 2020

Maths W4

Hi everyone! This is my DLO for maths this week! We learnt about statistics.

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever done statistics?

Writing T2 W4

Hi everyone! this is my DLO for this week!

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever written a poem? 

Maths T2 W3

Hi everyone! Hi this is what I did for maths this week!

Have you ever done relative frequency?

Reading T2 W10

Hi everyone! This week for my goal for reading was "Making connections - use prior knowledge to connect to the text. Make connections between texts and own life experiences, using more sophisticated texts". We learnt about making connections between the stories we read and real life events. For the learning part of our workshop we had to read one text from the three we got to choose from, then of course we had to read through them and make connections between the text and real life events. After we read our text we had to do our DLO (Digital Learning Object). Our DLO was basically just making a poster or visual explanation of our connections and explaining why those were connected to real life.

Thanks for reading my blog!
Do you have any connections from my personal experiences?  

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Maths T2 W10

Hi everyone! This week our maths goal was " Use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers- Rounding and Compensating". We learnt about rounding and compensating whole numbers and decimals in both multiplication and division. For our DLO (Digital Learning Object) we had to make a poster or google slide or any other visual explanation of our strategy and at least 6 examples from the practice questions we had done.

This is my google drawing: Visual explanation

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever done this strategy?

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Writing T2 W8

Hi everyone! This week for writing we had to plan our narrative writing story. We had to go on a google drawing that would help us with planning our narrative. The google drawing had two different paths you could take for your story and based on those you could choose which videos to watch for inspiration for your story the google drawing also had links to Pobble 360 and an article with picture prompts that you could use for your story. Then after you figured out an idea for your story you had to use a plot template to plan out your story in a more visual way.

This is my plot template: Plot template
This is my Narrative *unfinished*: Narrative

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever written a narrative? If you have what was it about?

Monday 8 June 2020

Reading challenge T2 W8

Hi everyone! This week for our reading we had to do a reading challenge. The reading challenge challenged us to read three books and then do an activity based on it, the activities were all on a folder in our google drive. We just had to choose one to do for each book. Also the three books that we read had to be three different genres. The first book I read was Unexplained Mysteries: The Bermuda Triangle by Ray McClellan. The activity I choose to do was an A-Z list. I had to find words from the book I read and order them from A-Z. The second book I read was Hurricane by Jessica Rudolph. The activity I did was a book review. I think most people already know what a book review is but if you don't it's basically just again a review on a book or a summary. The last book I read was National Geographic Readers: Water by Melissa Stewart. The activity I choose to do on it was Create a test.

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever done a reading challenge?

Thursday 4 June 2020

Maths T2 W8

Hi everyone! This week for maths we had to choose a maths activity to do. There were three choices beginner, levelling up and advanced. I choose beginner because i thought the strategies fit me well.
Then we had to answer the questions on the google drawing for beginner. We had to use the strategies that were on top of the questions. And finally we had to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object) with four questions that we did. 

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever done this strategy?