
Wednesday 25 September 2019

PBL Sub Artefact

Hi everyone! As you know by now that our PBL showcase is this week, If you've seen my past blog about our PBL for this term then you already know that our main artefact was a minecraft world with artificial habitats for endangered animals. But including our main artefact we also had to have a sub artefact. We did 3 sub artefacts like Business cards, Posters and a website. Today I'll be sharing my our website that we made as a sub artefact. This website also has our main artefact on it so you can go check that out. Click here to check out our PBL website!.

What do you think about our Website?

PBL Invitation

Hi everyone! This week is our PBL showcase, and I wanted to share an invitation to all of you so if you're nearby and have spare time you can come see our projects!
Hope you can come!

PBL plan

Hi everyone! This week we have our PBL showcase. The topic for this term is  What will the future ask of us? Our question was How can we help preserve current endangered animals? And for our main project we were going to do a minecraft world with artificial habitats for endangered animals like Sharks and bumblebees. But before we could make our actual project we had to do some planning, here is our planning template, Planning doc.

Thank you for reading my blog!
What do you think of our plan?

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Can fish drown?

Hi everyone! A few weeks ago we got to choose a simple science experiment to do. We also got to choose who we worked with, so I chose on of my friends Arihia. Our science experiment was all about the layers of the ocean, but including our main topic we had a sub question, our sub question was Do fish drown? Our science experiment was pretty simple it was just making a replica of the layers of the ocean. So we got different liquids that layer on top of each other so we can make it look like the ocean. If you want to check out our science experiment here's the link for all the steps that we got from a website  The steps in this science experiment. After we had layered the liquids on we dropped a few little items in our jar that had different weights. We dropped in a toy bullet, a marble, a bolt and a bouncy ball to simulate fishes in the ocean. We learnt that Fish can drown because they live in their own separate layers and if they get pushed down to the wrong layer they will die because of the pressure and the salt that was contained in the water on that layer. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed!
Have you ever done this science experiment?

Online maths course!

Hi everyone! The past couple of week we did the Stanford university online maths course. The course had 5 lessons about maths mindsets.

The first lesson was mostly about having a positive mindset about maths and answering the myths about maths. There were two main mindsets, people with growth mindsets and fixed mindset. People with a fixed mindset are people who think they're bad at maths and don't really care about maths. People with Growth mindsets always strives for the better and kept going even though they failed multiple times. This lesson talked about the difference of people with a fixed mindset and growth mindset. The people with the growth mindset did better in maths than people with a fixed mindset.

The second lesson was again about having positive mindsets about maths like trying even though you've failed already. This lesson also talks about your brain and how the more you learn the more your brain grows and develops.

The third lesson
This lesson talks about Why having mistakes are good and why being fast at maths doesn't matter. Some people think that being fast at maths makes you good but some of the best mathematicians think slow and understand the problem before getting a final answer. This lesson also talks about having mistakes. Making mistakes on maths and other subjects is good for you, it helps your brain grow and develop.

The fourth lesson
This lesson was about making connections in maths. Like making connection if your personal life

The fifth lesson
The fifth lesson was about all of the patterns in maths and how to focus on seeing these patterns and how it connects to the equations.

Thanks for reading my blog!
Have you ever tried an online course?

Friday 20 September 2019

Volunteer food bank!

Hi everyone! Two weeks ago we got to serve the community. We got to choose where we wanted to volunteer. There were 3 choices Like Going to a food bank, curtain bank and graffiti removal. I choose to volunteer at the food bank, so we got in a van and drove to the Food bank. When we arrived we got shown box with food already packed into it. Then we were told to follow the box, each of us got food for the box and checked we got everything. It was actually really fun to do and it's a plus that we got to help out in the community.

Have you ever been volunteering?

N a r r a t i v e w r i t i n g

Hi everyone! If you've seen the blog talking about my planning template then you already know what this is about. If you haven't here's a short summary. Basically our teachers told us to make a narrative. The theme was The future. Here is my story, 

I hope you enjoyed my story!
Have you every written a narrative?

N o v e l s t u d y

Hi everyone! A few weeks ago we started reading novels that we liked when we did our book cafe, our book cafe was all about looking for books that seemed interesting based on our taste. After that t#our teachers gave us the novel's that we really liked and let us read them. The book I choose was Dead Harry, Dead Harry was a book about a boy named Sam, Sam had a friend named Harry who unfortunately passed away. A lot of people said that Harry's death was an accident but Sam doesn't think so, read the book to find out more. After we finished our novels we were told to fill in this slide to see if you really payed attention to the book. 
Here is my slide.

Have you ever read Dead Harry? If you have, did you like it? 

Narrative writing plan

Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've posted on here. This task was weeks ago so I don't remember much.
Anyways, a few weeks ago we were assigned to make a Narrative piece of writing. But before we could start writing we had to make a planning template to plan one of our ideas. Once we got to start writing my idea changed so I never finished this plan. But I still want to share my ideas so here is my unfinished planning template.
I hope you enjoyed my blog, sorry if it was a little short.
Have you ever written a narrative?