
Monday 27 April 2020

Writing T2 W2

Hi everyone! This week our writing goal was "Revise and rework writing for clarity, impact and purpose. proofread for spelling, grammar and punctuation". We had to watch a few videos about editing your writing and the difference between revising and editing your writing. Then for our Create Task/DLO (Digital Learning Object) we had to go back to our report that we were writing about a worthy and admirable New Zealander and edit our report based on a rubric and based on what we learnt when we watched the videos. Then we had to make a google drawing or slide with three things we thought were important when editing your report and three examples from your report.

Here is my slide (google drawing is already on the slide!):  My slide:)

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever written a report before?

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Maths T2 W2

Hi everyone! This week for maths our goal was "Complete a Statistical Investigation by Collecting, Displaying and Discussing data".  On Monday we had to look through two data sets for our investigation, then choose two variables to do our chart on. For our Create task/ DLO (Digital Learning Object) we had to take the two variables  we choose from the data sets and put them on our own spreadsheet, make a table and then make the table into an infographic chart. I choose to do my chart based on the Year 7/8 data set. 

Here are the two different data sets we got to choose from : Year 7/8 dataNZ COVID-19 Cases
Here is my spreadsheet and chart: Spreadsheet

Thank you for reading my blog!
Have you ever made a infographic chart?

Wednesday 15 April 2020

T2 W1 Reading

Hi everyone! This week my reading goal was "Making Connections to Text
Make connections between texts, using more sophisticated texts". Our create task was to skim through two school journals and make connections between the two topics. I choose to read the text Pandemic: The Deadly Flu of 1918 by Renata Hopkins and Stand Up: A History of Protest in New Zealand by  Dylan Owen. We had to make a copy of a doc with questions we needed to fill out about the connections between the text and things like that. 

This is my document: My connections

Thank you for reading my blog!
Do you have any connections?

T2 W1 Maths

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog, this week our maths goal was "Use a broad range of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with whole numbers and decimals". We had to choose a strategy to do and there was rounding and compensating, equal adjustments and reversibility. I choose to do equal adjustment because I thought it was a strategy I needed to work on more. Then we had to watch two videos explaining the strategy with whole numbers and decimals. After that we had to answer some practice questions with that strategy. And finally after that we had to film a screen castify video explaining how we solved one of the practice questions. 

Here is my google drawing with my video link: Google drawing

Thank you for reading my blog!
What do you think is the easiest strategy to use for that question?

T2 W1 Writing

Hi everyone! We're back doing school work (at home of course). This week for my writing workshop our goal was "Use language that is appropriate to the topic and purpose." which means using the right words and sentence structures that fit in with what ever topic you are writing about lie biographies, poems, etc.  For our DLO (Digital Learning Object) we had to take a paragraph or two out of our biographies based on worthy New Zealanders, I choose Taika Waititi. Then we had to go on a google drawing that had a few examples of languages to use in a biography that were in boxes  with a specific colour. Then we had to make a new document with our paragraph/s in it, then we used the google drawing withe examples as a guide on what colour to highlight the sentence in like let's say the example was "Nouns are used as opposed to personal pronouns" in a blue box, then i would have to go to my biography and find a sentence or a phrase that relates to that topic. After that i have to highlight the text i found that relates to the example in blue because the box that it was in was blue. Then finally we had to add a comment on that sentence and or phrase about why we thought that language example was important to be put in a biography.  I only have a few examples that are in my biogrphy right now because my biography still need to get done so I used my introduction paragraph.

Here are the language examples that my group and I used as a guide: Example guide
This is my document with my paragraph and comments: Paragraphs and Comments

Thank you for reading my blog!
Do you think that these examples were important? Why or why not?